Rabu, 28 Maret 2012

Easy to root for all devices with Android Unlock Root

From the network of developers has come a new software that allows to obtain administrative privileges on over 200 devices Android: Unlock is called Root.

The program was available for a while 'time on xda forums and other community Android, but the developers have now created a new site and updated the graphical user interface which is now cleaner and more user-friendly. Its operation is very simple: just install Unlock Root on your Windows PC and of course you have the drivers for your device to recognize and then click the center button in the software window and after a few seconds you will have the permissions of the total ostro device.

The device list is really long, we find almost the whole range of terminals Samsung, LG, HTC, Sony Ericsson, Motorola and others.

Unlock Root is free and you can download from the official site, where you can also view the list of supported devices.

Please note that by running as root the warranty is voided, then follow all the steps and use extreme caution.

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