Rabu, 21 Maret 2012

Apple has tried to kill Linux!

Linux kernel is the core of many operating systems: apart from the various distributions such as Ubuntu, Fedora and openSUSE, it is the "heart" of many other systems such as webOS, Chrome and Android OS. It is just in the news these days that the green robot and the penguin were brought together, and in the future will again be great friends. However, there are reports that plunging us into despair, while at the same time give us great joy: Linux could not make it to till today! Luckily it did not happen.

Apparently Linus Torvalds, creator of Linux and "benevolent dictator" of the temporary kernel of the GNU project, was contacted by Apple in 2000, when he still worked for Transmeta. Steve Jobs invited him into his office and offered to work on the then nascent MacOS X, with the aim of creating a form of Unix "for the largest base of users" (Unix for the biggest user base).

The problem, though, is that Jobs wanted Torvalds stopped working on Linux. Without Linus, Linux probably would not be as it is now - perhaps it would be better, but most likely would be worse. Without Linux, we would not have had any distributions for desktop and notebook computers, we would not have Chrome OS, we would not have webOS, but above all we would not have Android! Fortunately, Linus has not accepted the offer, and we can enjoy Linux and its derivatives in all their glory.

We can only thank Linus for choosing to continue to devote himself to his creature, and not to work for Apple.

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