Rabu, 21 Maret 2012

LG Optimus Black, with videoreview CyanogenMod 7.2.0 RC1

A few days ago we could all learn together that had been released the new version of the custom ROM's most beloved and downloaded by users, the CyanogenMod 7.2.0 RC1. In order to provide as much information about how it behaves, we released an videoreview with the ROM installed on our LG Optimus Black.
Let's assume that immediately after shooting the video we noticed another bug in the ROM, which is not entirely free but performs really well. The bug that we mentioned about the WiFi. When it is active and turn off the display, WiFi is suspended by default, as is normal for both. The problem occurs when sblocchiamo and rekindle the display. It starts a loop that prevents the terminal to perform any operation, and is barely able to restart it - unless of course brutally remove the battery. So there's still something to fix but it's nothing earth-shattering.
The CyanogenMod 7.2 RC1 is much more stable than other versions utilizzabilissima nightly and daily if you have special needs with their smartphone. We have not had the opportunity to try this ROM on other devices but we believe that in principle the behavior of the ROM is the same for everyone else.
Recall that the CM 7.2 does not have, like all other Cyanogen, including Google Apps, therefore, must be flashate from recovery for viewing. Find everything you need down the article. Unfortunately, the only file GAPPS was found in August 2011, but there are to experience particular problems because the application will automatically update themselves. If you want to manually install the Google Store Play from which you can then update all the apps, once flashed the file downloaded Google GAPPS Play Store here.
So we leave you with video LG Optimus Black CyanogenMod 7.2.0 RC1 and to download the ROM and Google Apps.
Good vision, good download and enjoy!

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